
The children from Boulcott Middle School have raised $740.80 and then kindly donated the money to the Tree Hutt. They fundraised by making pencil tins, braided bracelets and special glue. They sold these items around the school and to local families.

left to right – Krista Hutchinson-Briggs, Jorja Kemp, Cairo Amohau, James Taylor and Stephanie Beddis

 As part of a financial literacy unit at school, the teachers thought that it would be great for the children to learn in a real world scenario. They decided that they would have a middle school marketing day to learn about the value of money, where students would design and create items to sell to other students within the school. The cost of the materials, time and marketing were taken into consideration. 

After the students had decided what to create they thought about who the profits could go to. They have a culture of helping one another at Boulcott School and so after several children shared their experiences about the wonderful service at Hutt Hospital in the Tree Hut waiting area, the students decided that this would be a way that they could help their local community. The Market Day proved not only to be a successful learning experience but also allowed students to see the impact they can have within their community.

The Boulcott children with the items they made to sell

The Boulcott children with the items they made to sell


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